I am appalled by the grammar, spelling, and punctuation, or a lack there of, that I have read in the reviews. Its very difficult to take someones critical review of others when they dont even know what it means to be American. Being born in America (this may come as a shocker) does in fact make you AMERICAN!!! Your nationality is American if youre born in America. Your ethnicity may not be, but your nationality certainly is if you were born in America. If you were born in Canada, your nationality would be Canadian. Now onto some other grammatical errors that jumped out at me. "There" is used instead of "their" along with "your" being used instead "youre". Know how to spell a word in both past and present tense. For example: has it ever occurRED to you. Not has it ever occur to you. Commas arent used where they are suppose to be used. "An" is used when proceeding a word that starts with a vowel or in some cases an "h". You may not find it a big deal now, but remember if you keep practicing bad habits and terrible grammar thats what youre going to use when youre an adult and no one will ever take you seriously. Those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
Sturdi81 about American Accent!